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Hi, I'm Stephanie! 

Stephanie's culinary journey began amidst the diverse flavors of California. Growing up in a household that favored fast food, she developed a fascination with cooking, driven by her desire for something healthier and homemade. Armed with an insatiable curiosity, she eagerly absorbed the art of cooking by watching cooking shows and immersing herself in countless cookbooks. She found joy in whipping up a healthy meal for herself and family. 


At the age of 18, Stephanie packed a bag and moved to New York City to pursue a career as an actor. Here, she began her foray into the food industry by waiting tables, as many aspiring actors do, but also began to gain invaluable insights into the nuances of the food scene. Interacting with chefs, diners, and experiencing the vibrancy of NYC's culinary culture, she not only honed her skills but also learned the importance of treating a meal with respect and care.


It was in the hustle and bustle of living on such a big city that she found the one thing that truly brought everyone together was food and drink. She found joy in having friends over for dinner or sharing a bite at a cafe in Brooklyn. Food became more than just a necessity but a way to savor the moment.  


She now resides in Indiana where she blends her love of the east and west coast food scene in her midwestern kitchen.


Bonbon Appétit!

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